We will unite colleagues in the import and export industry and the business community to serve Hong Kong in accelerating its integration into the overall national development situation, give full play to Hong Kong's two-way trade and investment hub function, strengthen the foreign trade system of the Great Bay Area, promote trade, investment, economic and technological exchanges and cooperation between the Great Bay Area and countries and regions around the world, assume greater responsibility and mission for accelerating the development of the Great Bay Area in the new stage, and play a greater role in the construction of the "the Belt and the Road" and the implementation of RCEP.
——Tan Yaozong    (GBM,GBS,JP)
Member of the Standing Committee of the 13th National People's Congress
Vice President of the Chinese Association of Hong Kong and Macao Studies
Secretary general of the Hong Kong Coalition
Conference Adviser of the Democratic Alliance for the Betterment and Progress of Hong Kong
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