Unite with the import-export industry and business community, serve Hong Kong in accelerating integration into the overall situation of national development, fully leverage Hong Kong's role as a trade and investment hub between China and the rest of the world, strengthen the Belt and Road's economic and trade cooperation system, promote trade, investment, and economic and technological exchanges and cooperation between the Greater Bay Area and various countries and regions, shoulder greater responsibilities and missions for the new stage of accelerated development in the Greater Bay Area, and play a greater role in the implementation of the Belt and Road Initiative and RCEP.
Tan Yaozong   Grand Bauhinia Star (GBS)
The 13th National People's Congress Standing Committee member
Vice President of the Chinese Association of Hong Kong & Macao Studies
Secretary-General of the Hong Kong Coalition
Conference advisers of Democratic Alliance for Betterment of Hong Kong
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七月一日,香港回歸祖國26周年的喜慶日子,全國政協委員、大灣區進出口商業總會會長林龍安在香港文匯報發表文章《走「一國兩制」正道 香港育新機開新局》
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